Kathy's Desk Plan

Build a Computer Desk, in One Weekend, with One Sheet of Plywood, For Under $100.00

This is what my old computer desk looked like, before and after

My old desk, when it was new.

My desk, when it was newThis is what I bought when I first got a computer. I did like it for a couple of reasons, it was cheap, it has lots of leg room, the keyboard tray does not pull out, so it isn't wobbly. But there is no space for the mouse on the keyboard tray, you have to put the mouse on the higher surface, & that is not ergonomically correct.

After a couple of years, sagging to the middle.
This is what the desk looked like after a couple of years. See everything sagging towards the middle? No, I did not use a fish lens for this picture, LOL. So I put it off as long as I could, but it got to be a real priority.

After a couple of years, it's sagging to the middle.

Time for a replacement.
Next, this is the design I came up with. ""

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